"I’ve trained with Ayman for over 2 and a half years and have to say that at age 47, I am in the best shape of my life. I started my journey at 297lbs. and had no stamina or strength. Over the past 30 months, I now weigh 192.8lbs with a body fat of 18%. This could not have been possible without Ayman’s guidance and dedication to perfection. His knowledge of nutrition and fitness are unparalleled. If you are looking to make a positive change in your health, Ayman can help you get there and gives you 100% to keep you on point day or night."

"I have always worked out, but had a desire after 5 years to compete again. In my journey, I decided to seek out a personal trainer and I started training with Ayman, who has given me the drive to continue competing, even after the age of 45. With his guidance, I finally got back on stage last October. Ayman has always been very supportive and encouraging, even when I felt that I could not accomplish my goals. He has always been honest with me and he takes his commitments seriously and only expects 100% of all his clients. Ayman has a natural talent to look at a person and know what is right for hat individual based on his/her goal. If you want a trainer that will sugar coat things and tell you what you want to hear, then Ayman is not that person, but if you want a trainer that is honest , committed and will help you accomplish you goals then I highly recommend Ayman."

"If I had not made that decision to “Commit” & “Focus” to the rigorous program Ayman put me through, I would have needed a TON of surgery in order to remove excess skin (caused by my weight loss). Ayman taught me, “don’t let negative comments other people put on you allow you to LABEL yourself/ limit you or prevent you from reaching our own goals in life!” On September 2012, unexpectedly, I became severely ill with an acute pneumonia that revealed a lung abscess, which 90% of my right lung needed to be removed. I wasn’t aware at the time that I had 1 week to live. I went from having 2 nurses assist me, having pulmonary, physical & speech rehabilitation therapy – to walking into Ayman’s Training Spa on MY OWN, (the entire session I was emotional). Yet again, Ayman’s support, words of wisdom and courage, together with the favor of God, led me to believe I could work hard again to achieve those goals by finding the strength to be that envisioned self. That person I knew I could be!
Six months later, I am BLESSED & could share this with you. I made it. I am 130 lbs. of tone muscle (yes, we do have muscle memory) from a post lung lobectomy of 112lbs. What a humbling experience! Ayman not only has changed my life, he instilled within me, “In this life there are no limitation except those we put on ourselves. Perseverance is key! You want it, go get it! Mind, body & soul.” I got “Aymanized!” Ayman became my subconscious, my Elite Master Trainer, my friend, my family, my angel and I humbly thank him!"